Saturday, February 13, 2010

Link up to a Pity Party

Kidding about the link.

Not kidding about the party.

MY house is nothing like all of yours.

I don't while away the hours with my paintbrush in hand.

Or dumpster dive and patina things

or rearrange my furniture.

(Lately, I hate all of my furniture, except my bed & my sofa)

I'm feeling lowly.

I did 2 posts regarding our house.


One of my husband's chair

and one of our bathroom linen closet.

Now, if I don't get rid of the chair and tear down that curtain soon
I may need medication.
(I can be a bit emotional and irrational)

Something has gone wrong.

Or has it gone right?

I don't know for sure.  I will say, my house looks nothing like any of yours.  I'm sad.  I need to re-do just about everything.  Will you still be my friend?
I hope so.

So, here it goes.

I'm embarking on a journey, destination unknown.  (do you really care?)
I'm going to be taking pictures of every single nook and cranny of every room in my home.  And posting them here. (Phew!)  Those before shots, you know?  An expose of my house.  I have to just dive in and do it.  I'll be asking for your help.  Begging, actually, for it. 
If Donna at FJI and Miss Mustard Seed can go on that decorating show and risk being knocked off, well, what am I afraid of?

Rejection? Being called ugly? A fool?

 You hate my color palette?
(that would be the most painful).  

Now girls, some of my furniture matches, like two chairs sitting at the same table.  (Oh, how I cringe at this admission.)  And I have this strange taste where Rustic meets Romance and dances a bit with Antiquity.  And, I'm sorry to say, but I like trees and wood and grain. Even oak.  So sorry.  Soothing colors work for me for 6 or 7 minutes and then if I don't throw a burnt orange in or an ocean teal I pass out.

Deep breath.

I hope you enjoy the ride.  Heck, I hope I do.

It all begins Monday.  President's Day.
Thought that would be appropo! (Why? I don't know.)


  1. Girl, you are way too funny! Can't wait to see the befores cause then we will get to see the afters.

  2. FINALLY! A blogger I can relate to. Somebody who knows exactly how I feel.

    I don't have a picture perfect home either. In fact, my house is soooo Upside down from what it was when I was a's as if I've gone through the looking glass and things are getting curious-er and curious-er, Alice.

    oh, you're not Alice, I'm Alice... well, I feel like Alice.

    Nothing wrong with painting the roses red by the way...

    Thanks for giving me some comfort- I'm not alone.

  3. I look forward to the tour. :) Just do it! We'll all root you on to the home of your dreams, one chair at a time!



What you say means so much


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