Some fun facts about moi.
I'm almost a middle child. Second of four. That means that if I'm not the center of attention I entertain myself!!
Hard to believe, I know.
I love skirts. I wear them nearly every single day. Wanna know why?
Practical reason:
My bum, hips and waist just ain't what they used to be. Yoga pants I love. Have for at least 20 years! So if I'm wearin' them I put a skirt on top! Call me weird. I love ya anyway!
I don't like my bum sticking out any more. I used to. Funny how that happens.
Non-practical reason:
I live in a fantasy world. I know you're shocked! I love the 1800's - not all the violence, famine and war. No. But the regalia! I swoon over it! Just watch a period romance. Trust me, you may want to put a skirt on, too!
I like feeling like a lady. I don't always look like one. But the feeling is what I'm talking about here! When I take the dog for a walk I pretend that I'm Eliza Bennett walking the countryside of Derbyshire. Please don't leave, k?
Also, I like to twirl. Twirling happens only when in a skirt. I believe twirling to be impossible in pants.


I use coconut oil in my hair. I have this kind of hair that should be really curly because it's really frizzy, not curly at all. Wavy. And fine. I slather the stuff on. It's really smooth and melts in your hands. It works wonders for the skin too. Dry, we are here. Flakey dry. Coconut oil is our friend. Google it. It has sadhfa;fa;dfj;aidfj;ajf in it, or something like that, that over-the-counter creams/lotions do not. Staying power is what I call it. My skin will literally stay soft and flake-less til I take my next shower - which may or may not be the next day. And I buy coconut oil in the grocery store. A ha! Yes I do! A jar of it lasts a really long time, and it's about $3.99. It looks like crisco and feels like it too. The scent, however, gets me every time! Smells like a warm breezy tropical island. And it makes me happy!

I homeschool my two boys. Ages, 9 and 6. Never in a milliongazillion years would I EVER think that I would be doing that. We do books. Oh yeah, but then, I can't stand it (actually, it's the sitting that kills me). So we shake it up a bit.
History lesson?
Wake up in London. A fry-up for breakfast, afternoon tea & crumpets and converse the whole day with a British accent. My boys do British better than I do. (I don't know what that means!)
Math lesson?
Empty those piggy banks! Let's go shopping in the basement for some "new" toys! They can barter with the ones in their rooms for the same value, of course!
Phys Ed?
Get those hiking boots on, we're heading out to the hills as Native American warriors - flint stone arrows to be made!
I eat Ghiradelli dark chocolate chips EVERY SINGLE DAY. And I'm happier because of it. Thank you.
I have ALWAYS been this weird unique! Since I can remember - in the high chair is when it all began...spaghetti on my head or something like that.
I do not feel my age, nor do I believe that I am a 46 year old woman. Nope. I refuse that as a reality. Thank you very much!
(except for when it dawns on me that I am and I get really nervous about it)
I don't watch television or read the news. It hurts my spirit way too much. I do indulge now and then in PBS Masterpiece Theater or As Time Goes By, but that's it! Just about everyone I know thinks I'm extremely odd because of this fact. Hmm?
I wear scarfs/scarves. I love them. I make them. I buy them. I take soft silky shirts and tie them 'round my neck. I use scraps of fabric, no hems, and wrap 'em round. I don't know why exactly. Do I have to?
This is the man of my dreams. EC, is what I call him here. He's one of the greatest men. The love of my life. He would lay down his life for a friend. I've seen him do it.
I cannot believe that he fell in love with me some 18 years ago!
I gave birth to these sweeties! My. My. My. How does God do it? All this love flowing....just pierces my soul!