The month of November is a bit of a blur.
Actually more like a blob.
I'll spare you the details as we will all be eating ourselves silly today or have just eaten.(those in the US)
We, the entire household, have been thinking of getting some stock in Kleenex brand.
You get the picture.
What's a girl to do?
Every year we host a BIG Thanksgiving Feast at our house.
All our friends, who either don't have family, don't want to go to their family's, can't go to their family's or just want to be with our CREATED family of friends, come over, eat, play music, laugh, oh-my-gosh laugh all afternoon until the wee hours of the next morning.
Then we eat some more, after that.
This has been going on for years.
Including the year I had my now 7yo - whose birth actually occurred a few days before Thanksgiving - and consequently occurs each year a few days before Thanksgiving.
We've been sick. Couldn't talk sick.
Didn't call anyone. Didn't make any plans. My brain hasn't been working through all the here we are days before the day and I'm like, "Hon, what are we going to do this year?" He's like, "I don't know. Do you?"
(that just shows you where our heads were....ugh)
So this is what we did.
Just the four of us. The most splendid, calm, lovely day. A day that I could actually feel grateful and thankful in because I could hear myself think and create and move a bit slower, but that's OK. Slow movement is gentle. I love gentle.
last minute, grab what's in the fridge appetizers!
on the fly centerpiece
(yes, it's a brown paper bag!)
white table cloth, spritzed with water, smoothed out (who wants to iron?)
light the Christmas tree
place mats & place cards...brown paper bag,
napkins are just pieces of cotton fabric, cut in squares and smushed under the plates
pencils to write on our place mats
what are we thankful for?
We ate roasted free range Turkey, homemade cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, sauteed beans, home made stuffing & baked biscuits.
We'll be eating the homemade pumpkin and apple pies (a la mode) after I'm done here!
Happiest of Thanksgivings to you my blogging friends!
Thankful that you're here! You're the greatest!