EC soaked our free range bird in brine made up of pure cranberry juice, rosemary, sage, thyme and some other things. I photographed her here as EC is putting a butter concoction underneath her skin BECAUSE SHE'S PURPLE! I LOVED that she turned purple because of the brine!!! (ok, just so you know, I don't really know what brine is but I can tell you that if you have the countenance for soaking a huge turkey in gallons of cranberry liquid for a day or so and then playing with it - yuk - with your hands in butter - - TOTALLY WORTH IT! - including losing her in the brine bag as she flipped into the cooler that was NOT cleaned out and was loaded with dirt and grass - "who are these people that they don't clean their coolers before putting them in storage?" OH. Well. Perfect, I am not.)
All of that being said: It was the most delicious turkey I have ever eaten. Everyone else enjoyed her too!
I only managed to take a few pictures this year. Here they are:
Another friends gathering!
The cards contained words of appreciation and love specific to the person! I LOVED this part!
Simple table decor! Patricia brought the most gorgeous wreath along with a basket of Asian pears and a pineapple! I wish I had taken a photo of her walking up the patio to the front door! She was a natural vision of beauty carrying those gifts!
Jeff and Dylan brought the ice cream, chocolate sauce and whipped cream for the many choices of gluten free "traditional" desserts!
The food: fabulous
The atmosphere: sweet and warm
The conversation: kind and lively
The best part: the love that was expressed throughout the day and evening!
with a grateful heart,